Tuesday, November 11

tuesday thoughts part one

my mother made this cake in honor of the elections. the verse says the king's heart is in God's hand. that kind of put me to rest, thinking about this Obama thing. I was kind of murderous last tuesday night. now not so much. still murderous though.

i feel like this a lot of the time. i mean like pretty much maybe 60% of my life i feel like if i had one feeling, it would be expressed in this way.
like, i'm not sad. i'm not depressed. i'm not angry. i'm not pensive. i'm just *see picture*

oh, and my mom took that picture....we were bored. what does my mom propose? a sunset photo shoot! jolly good idea. i would recommend it.

one last thing, God's greatest command: 

it's not a work of art, sure, but it is a love arm and it must be documented. ha.

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