Tuesday, November 11

let's review this week kids!

1. God is awesome.
2. Family can get annoying but can be awesome too.
3. Friends are usually retarded or obnoxious, but can also be awesome. Most of them.
4. Bacon is the cure for cancer, the common cold, AIDS, homesickness, and stupidity. Well, the only for-sure one is homesickness. But I bet it could cure cancer. Nobody's looked into it.*
5. Having a crush is almost never fun. Almost.
6. the Bible is great for slapping people or hitting people. oh and also it's good to read it. but then it will SPIRITUALLY slap you . . .  so watch out.
7. it is more fun falling down things than climbing up onto them. although more painful.
8. I hate writing essays about stuff like same-sex marriage.
9. Vitamin Water is the elixir of life. 
10. why doesn't blogger have spellcheck? I look like a fool.
11. my new character's name is Adrian. he's the "too sexy for my shirt" character that I'm going to have a little too much fun writing. Now that I have given him a name, I can finally continue with my novel, The Last Amaranth, to be released God only knows when!
12. i am going to be paying a lot for all the text messages that I have sent this weekend.
13. i think i am addicted to facebook.
14. i like lists.
15. my little brother is 10. i am going to die now.
16. gabezo + earl grey Lucca's + library + cold + Kaki King + walking + leaves = the best sunday afternoon i have had in a long time.

*Why don't I have any bacon right now???? Why isn't it in the fridge???????? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
no. no, i'm not dependant on bacon in any way. it's my ANTI-drug. Not my drug. 
of course not.....

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