if i could have anything right now it would be a
not one of those pansy
touch-your-back-run-away hugs.
like a freakin real hug where we
hold each other cause this is the
only life we've got, we hold each
other like we mean it
cause we mean it. i don't want your
hug if it's a guilt-trip hug or a
heartless hug. it's gotta be both-way,
you know? but i want to hold your
body cause it makes me feel
safe. it makes me feel anchored. it
makes me feel wanted and loved.
i love hugging guys
(not cause i'm like creepy or
anything it's just that) they give these
protective hugs, like they are the person that
separates me from all the
bad things in the world.
and i like that.
but girl's hugs are even nicer. my girl
friends tell me with two arms how we are
both in this together. how we
will fight alongside each other. how
we will defend each other. then there's
the mommy hug, the
i-love-you-no-matter-what hug. the hug that
makes everything alright even if
i'm trying really hard to stay mad at her,
everything dissolves somehow and all is
then there's my dad's hug, he puts his
arms around my head and i hug his
stomach and i feel like a little kid again, his
baby again. so yeah, i like hugs. a lot. and
not cause i'm needy or want that
affirmation of esteem or whatever the heck the psychologists call it.
i mean we're all human right?
we all want love, right? so
give me a freakin hug, cause hugs give hope
like not a lot of words do.
ReplyDeletethis is great
haha my eyes teared up =)
you are amazing right. and hurrah, my computer blocking software is behaving!