Saturday, November 22

18 until 16 and counting

Weird. I'll be 16 soon.
Dang. I am old.
I do like even numbers though, so having 16 years should make me feel more rounded.
16. weirdddddddd.

I would give anything for an authentic gol-dang cough drop. I spent most of friday night yelling at my pioneer girls, and the rest of it talking on the phone. Then I woke up and went to a pregnancy crisis center and learned everything i needed to know but didn't want to know about the harsh reality of abortion and STDs. while breathing in heavy smoke. 
so now i really want some cough drops. 

i wish i had another poetry urge.
cause i wrote this really good one about love, but was depressed so i ripped it into tiny pieces.
now i'm wishing i had saved it.
and i wrote another....ill post it when i get the time.

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