Tuesday, October 23

This is a cozy Great Room post

I'm skipping bio class. Sipping coffee from my First Team mug, making me feel warm and fuzzy on two levels. An amazing guy RA friend of mine sent my entire staff cookies in the mail, so I've been enjoying those with my coffee. Writing my character analysis for Acting class because my final performance of my first scene is today....here goes nothing! I'm not nervous...yet.
I woke up and thought it was going to be a terrible day, but God had a lovely chapel speaker tell me all about my identity this morning and put everything into perspective. Also, I'm skipping Bio class.
I hope your day is just as cozy, warm, friend-filled, coffee-cookie-autumn-lovely as mine is. If it isn't...then come ask me for a hug and then go give someone else one. That should fix it.

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