Saturday, November 15


...i tried the experiment. Really I did. And Christian worship music did help me calm myself while doing school and kept me more focused. But there wasn't much of a difference in my moods when I listened to Chistian and non-Christian music put together, especially when I wasn't doing anything I needed to focus on especially.
And as for the Bible reading went, I did pick up my Bible more than usual, but I forgot about my experiement a lot. Ah, well. We're all human.
In summary, music is all a matter of personal preference. I wonder if any of you would have any different experiences, especially if you do not usually listen to much Christian music. mmm?


  1. For me, it's a matter of the style of music that I listen to rather than the content. I cannot listen to screamo while I study. So I usually put on some soundtracks or classical or punk. The only thing I require of my music is that there cannot be any profanity. It's better for my mind, and I can share my music without worrying about who's listening.

  2. I agree with Jon in that style affects my mood more than content. e.g. if I'm doing math, I'll listen to something logical, like Bach, and not Flyleaf, which makes me emotional and therefore not quite rational. Half the time I'm listening to solo piano music anyway, so it's not like I need to be careful of the lyrics.

    As to Christian music- if the melody is awful or I really dislike the singer's voice, I'm not even going to care about the lyrics. It will actually annoy me more than calm me. Like, listening to David Crowder just makes me frustrated (apologies to all David Crowder fans out there). I'm all about good music + good lyrics + good singing.

  3. to Jon: yeah, i like classical/acoustic much more than screamo if i'm trying to do schoolwork.
    to Serfy: i won't hate you if you're a david crowder hater...i used to be one,'ll eventually come around. i mean, how could you hate someone with hair like this?

  4. Thank you Serfy. I thought I was the only one out there that didn't like David Crowder.

  5. why don't you like David Crowder?
    Are you against his hair?

  6. No, his hair is alright. I wouldn't emulate it or anything, but it's alright. I just don't like his musical style.

  7. I think his hair is awesome. I agree with jon, I just don't like his musical style.

  8. David Crowder is great once you get used to his voice.. I didn't particularly like it until I bought one of their CDs and forced myself to listen to it a few times.

    The thing about Christian music is that the male singers' voices are extremely high, and I can't sing high.. Chris Tomlin seriously puts his music three steps higher than it has to be..
